DNA UNLOCKED - Comprehensive (Whole Exome Sequencing Plus)
(~ 50 million data points)
✓ Next Generation Sequencing of your entire exome (~22,000 genes) plus other non-coding regions of your genome in a CLIA regulated lab.
Navigate and explore your own genome using our unique user-friendly report.
Gain valuable insights from your genome and make better health decisions to live a healthier, longer life.
Looks at a large number of health related traits and inherited conditions.
Get your ancestry report from our partnering service (FTDNA).
Scientific/medical data in our knowledge-base regularly updated, so your results are always accurate.
Free shipping, both ways (in the US).
Data and genome report available within 90 days of kit return.
Access to independent healthcare providers to review your health history, authorize your test if medically appropriate, and provide a telehealth consultation to review your results with you.
DNA UNLOCKED® test review, authorization when medically appropriate, and telehealth consultation to review your results with you, are available through an independent network of experienced healthcare providers from elicity.health. ($110 value)
Test authorization (Included with your order). If you do not have a healthcare provider to authorize your DNA UNLOCKED® test, an independent elicity telehealth provider will review and authorize your test.
Post-test physician consultation (Included with your order). You will receive an email to register with elicity.health to start the telehealth process. When your DNA UNLOCKED® report is ready, your elicity healthcare provider will contact you for a telehealth consultation to review your results with you and answer your questions.