dna unlocked genome testing  |  TELEHEALTH SERVICES

dna unlocked genome testing

DNA UNLOCKED - Comprehensive (Whole Exome Sequencing Plus)

(~ 50 million data points)

✓ Next Generation Sequencing of your entire exome (~22,000 genes) plus other non-coding regions of your genome in a CLIA regulated lab.
✓ Navigate and explore your own genome using our unique user-friendly report.
✓ Gain valuable insights from your genome and make better health decisions to live a healthier, longer life.
✓ Looks at a large number of health related traits and inherited conditions.
✓ Get your ancestry report from our partnering service (FTDNA).
✓ Scientific/medical data in our knowledge-base regularly updated, so your results are always accurate.
✓ Free shipping, both ways (in the US).
✓ Data and genome report available within 90 days of kit return.
✓ Access to independent healthcare providers to review your health history, authorize your test if medically appropriate, and provide a telehealth consultation to review your results with you.

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Price: $950.00



DNA UNLOCKED® test review, authorization when medically appropriate, and telehealth consultation to review your results with you, are available through an independent network of experienced healthcare providers from elicity.health. ($110 value)

Test authorization (Included with your order).  If you do not have a healthcare provider to authorize your DNA UNLOCKED® test, an independent elicity telehealth provider will review and authorize your test.

Post-test physician consultation (Included with your order). You will receive an email to register with elicity.health to start the telehealth process. When your DNA UNLOCKED® report is ready, your elicity healthcare provider will contact you for a telehealth consultation to review your results with you and answer your questions.